Pre-Registration only!!
Registration deadline is 9:00am Monday June 2, 2025 in order to be included in any clothing orders. Please know that we can take some late registrations without clothing but only up to 2 weeks before each day camp and if there is room on buses. This allows time to make teams, buses, staff, order clothing, and make alternative arrangements if necessary. We cannot have walk-ins and bus drivers cannot pickup any unregistered campers. Please have your camper nearby while registering as there are many questions they will want to have input into (friend/buddy requests, tuck money, and other questions all about them!)
How? Who? When?
Boys and Girls 7-12 years of age (by end of year Dec 31, 2025)
· Please NOTE **Six-year-old children may attend only if they have finished Grade one in the 2024-25 school year.
Day Camp for teens ages 13 - 16 will be August 11 - 15.
· Register for ONE of the sessions only, according to the bus route schedule for your area or when you are willing to drive.
· If you are driving your children daily to camp you may choose whichever camp is convenient for your plans, campers must check into office daily.
Bus Routes
Please refer to the bus pick up locations on our website before completing this application. Due to summer safety concerns, these are our main pick-up points, very few exceptions may be arranged. Times will be confirmed at the time of registration confirmation (usually about a week before camp)
What to Bring
Shoes for sports and running
Sunscreen (we will continue to encourage your camper to apply their own, please mark your camper's)
Modest one-piece or tankini (top meets bottom) bathing suit that fits
Warmer clothing for cooler days
A lunch (peanut free please!)
Tuck money will be sent ahead by e-transfer, or cheque. Any amounts over $5 left on their tuck credit at the end of camp will be reimbursed.
Water bottle. Please send a marked water bottle that can be refilled at our drinking water refill station.
Backpack. Campers will keep their belongings on them at all times, please keep their belongings to a minimum and in a backpack that they can handle carrying to each activity all day. Please remember that they will often have a wet bathing suit partway through the day, if possible send something to keep the other items in their bag dry.
**Please mark your child’s belongings so that they can be returned if misplaced.**
Dress Code
Note: We require that all campers dress modestly, considering the activities and sports programs they will be involved in...
The guidelines for unacceptable attire are as follows:
Clothing which displays alcohol or drugs
Offensive t-shirts/tops (inappropriate pictures/language)
Crop tops/halter/spaghetti strap/sheer/absolutely no low cut tops
Tops/shirts must meet top of shorts/pants (midriffs covered)
Shorts must be a modest length for active sports and activities
Modest Bathing Suits Only for Boys and Girls. No bikinis (Your child will not be allowed to participate in lessons, free swim or other water activities even with a t-shirt covering). Any two-piece bathing suit should meet top to bottom.
What Not to Bring
Cell phones, i-pods, rings, watches, expensive sunglasses, money, wallets/purse, designer clothing, expensive hats, electronics etc… anything that may be misplaced or broken.
To enable every child in our community an equal opportunity to attend camp, no registration fee has ever been required.
The camp continues to be funded by free-will donations from individuals. (Tax- deductible receipts are issued)
Any gift is gratefully received.
We accept cash, cheques, e-transfers, or online through Canada Helps (see our donations page on the website).
Camp Confirmations
Once registration has closed we will confirm your registration along with bus pickup time and location, and any further directions. Please note that all teams will be made before camp and changes will not be able to be made, because of this please be sure to add one friend they would like to be placed with on their registration form. This friend should be in the same age group (8&unders, 9-12, age as of December 31, 2025) Ask your child before registering!
Registration Process
Please note our registration program uses email/text authentication for security not passwords. You will have to enter your phone or email to get a code to complete your login. (this may take a few minutes and/or watch your spam- phone is fastest!)
If this is your first time using the program you will need to start by adding yourself (parent/guardian) for your household and then add your camper(s) as you register them as the attendee. Once you set these up you shouldn't have to re-enter that from year to year and form to form.
In "church center", look on the top right hand corner of the page to click on "SignUps" to register. (will show up under hamburger menu ( ☰ ) on mobile devices) Select the camp session you would like to register for from the list. When you are ready click "register".
Complete the information for each attendee. Once you submit this initial information it will let you know your balance, you can just select pay later so that you can pay by e-transfer as we prefer. There is no charge for camp but you have the option to add a t-shirt to your order as well as tuck money. You can update your tuck money up to the week before camp but t-shirts must be ordered and paid for by 9:00 am, June 2, 2025. As we receive your e-transfer we will credit your account so that it will no longer show a balance.
We hope that this will be a smooth process but if you have any issues at all please contact the camp and we will do our best to figure it out. When you click this link it should open in a new tab so that you can refer to these instructions in another tab while you go through the process.
(Feedback update- some have said that it is easier to do this process on a desktop/laptop than a phone. If you are having trouble on a mobile device, you can download an app and sign in from there to try registering there. The app is called: Church Center App)
If you have any issues email for assistance
Please be careful when registering, many parents are registering themselves and not their campers! The initial profile you set up is for yourself as an adult and then you must add attendee's and set up profiles for your children (if that was not already done last year)!!